Your Nova Scotia fishing
adventures guide
Scotia, where the scenic beauty, rich heritage and vibrant culture offer
you a truly unique vacation experience. Complementing
our spectacular scenery, unspoiled nature and living history, we offer
spectacular fishing for trout and salmon. Welcome to our shores.
trips in Nova Scotia offer a great getaway and a satisfying outdoor
adventure for fishermen and fishing families. We take our fishing seriously
in Nova Scotia and ask that fishers adhere to our "Catch and Release"
and "Catch and Eat" policies to ensure great fishing opportunities
and enjoyment for our future generations.
Fishing at a lodge in Nova Scotia is truly spectacular with countless
options to choose from. The crystal clear waters boast a variety of
species to test your skills. We
offer spectacular fishing for salmon, speckled or brook trout. There
is also excellent sea-run brown trout and rainbow trout fishing as well.
Mackerel, Cod, Hake, Pollack, Catfish, Blue - Mako - or Porbeagel Shark
are some of the deep sea fishing opportunities that helps make Nova
Scotia one of Canada's most popular fishing destination.
Check out the great Nova Scotia fishing
info for your trip preparation.
You can rough it or be pampered in the lap of luxury as you enjoy all
that Nova Scotia and the sea have to offer the sportsman and the family.
Tourist outfitters and resort operators are happy to tailor
their packages for families who love to fish. Round out your family
holiday with swimming, horseback riding, shopping, sight seeing, theme
park or museum visits and everyone will have an array of great memories.
Scotia is a great province for a family fishing vacation. Provincial
parks, camps and resort settings are seldom far from great fishing.
Come and explore our breathtaking shores - from towering cliffs and
long peaceful beaches to picturesque bays and charming villages. Visit
Cape Breton's sparkling inland sea Bras d'Or for a few hours or a few